Monthly Parking Permit
The Allentown Parking Authority has 6 Garages and 21 Surface Lots, in and around the central business district to provide convenient, affordable, safe, and user-friendly parking.
ALL PERMITS must be applied for on-line. You may not purchase a Parking Permit in our office. You must apply for a Permit on our Patron Portal.
Once on the portal, you will choose the type of permit (name of Deck or Lot) you are applying for. Fill in all the required information. You must upload a copy of your Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration Card while applying on-line. YOUR PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL YOU RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION MESSAGE STATING IT WAS APPROVED.
The permit is only valid for the license plate number that it was originally registered to. If the permit holder gets a new plate, the permit is invalid. The permit holder must provide the registration for the new vehicle and / or plate. You can make these changes to your permit account on the patron portal at any time.
If the cameras do NOT read your plate upon entering the deck or you have multiple vehicles that you would like to have on your account, please email We would like to confirm your license plate and vehicle information are correct.
All Contract Parking Permits are paid monthly on an auto-pay system. You must have a valid e-mail address and a credit or debit card to apply for and maintain your parking permit. Auto-pay payments are charged every month, three days prior to the last day of the month, for the next (upcoming) month of parking.
This application process is for INDIVIDUAL parkers ONLY. If you are part of a corporate account, please contact the Fleet Manager within your corporation / group. They will arrange for your addition to their fleet. Fleet Contract Parking Invoiced accounts are subject to a 1.5%, per month late fee.
Permits are non-transferable. Payment is not refundable. Permit costs are not Pro-Rated and are subject to change. Permits may only be purchased on-line through our Patron Portal.
All of our parking garages use LPR (License Plate Recognition) to assist you when entering and exiting the garage. If you have a monthly parking permit at one of our locations, please make sure to contact us when or if your license plate changes. Click below for instructions.
QR Codes
All APA garages have an auxiliary form of entering via QR code scanner. If you are a monthly parker at the Maple Street Garage (920 W Maple Street) or the Spiral Deck garage (820 W Linden Street), you will have your QR code emailed to you with instructions. If you are a monthly parker at the ATC, Community, Government, or Strata Symphony garages, you must have a smartphone and provide us with your phone number. You will obtain your QR code through the ParkWhiz app which can be located here for Android and here for Apple. You may also view the instructions for QR codes below.
To Terminate your Permit and Cancel Your AutoPay log into the Patron Portal and navigate to the “Your Permits” page. Find the active permit you wish to cancel and click the “Cancel Auto-Renew” button. The permit is valid from the first day of the month through the last day of the month. There will be no prorated amount for partial time or refunds for unused time.
Vacation Permits
The permit allows you to park your vehicle for one week, while you are traveling. The cost of the permit is $25.00. The vacation permit is offered in all of our decks. The permit must be requested by an Allentown Resident and documents must be provided to show proof of residency (Driver’s License and VALID Registration). Each resident is eligible for two vacation permits per vehicle, annually (within a calendar year). The permitted vehicle shall not be exempt from other parking restrictions in the garage, including No Parking Areas, Authorized Parking Spaces, EV Charging Spaces, 15 Min Spaces, Head in Parking Only and all other general safety regulations. Permit approval is at the discretion of the Allentown Parking Authority.
Rate changes for Lots (beginning 4/1/2024)
Rate changes for Decks (beginning 7/1/2024)
Name of Location | Address | Current Rate | Rate as of 4/1/2024 | Rate as of 7/1/2024 |
200 RAILROAD EAST | 211-217 N. RAILROAD STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
200 RAILROAD WEST | 224 N. RAILROAD STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
300 N LUMBER | 332-334 N. LUMBER STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
300 N 6TH STREET | 325-327 N. 6TH STREET | $25.00 | $30.00 | |
400 RIDGE AVENUE | 426-428 RIDGE AVENUE | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
500 N 5TH STREET | 536-538 N. 5TH STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
700 RAILROAD STREET | 709-711 N. RAILROAD STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
7A LOT | 534 N. 7th ST. & 712 W. Allen St | $45.00 | $50.00 | |
ALLIANCE HALL | 231-235 N. 6TH STREET | $35.00 | $40.00 | |
C LOT | 1016 LINDEN STREET | $55.00 | $60.00 | |
D LOT | 1009-1013 HAMILTON STREET | $70.00 | $75.00 | |
DUBBS LOT | 418 N. 5TH STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
E LOT | 226 N. 9TH STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
GERMANIA LOT | 108-126 S. 7TH STREET | $67.00 | $72.00 | |
NORTH LOT | 112-118 N. 7TH STREET | $75.00 | $80.00 | |
OAK STREET LOT | 188 OAK STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
PENN STREET LOT | 112 N. PENN STREET | $35.00 | $40.00 | |
RAILROAD AND SYCAMORE LOT | 122-124 SYCAMORE STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
RIDGE AND SYCAMORE LOT | 623 RIDGE STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
SPRUCE AND GRANT LOT | 436-438 N. GRANT STREET | $30.00 | $35.00 | |
SPRING GARDEN LOT | 953-959 SPRING GARDEN STREET | $25.00 | $30.00 | |
GOVERNMENT (AGAPS) | 401 HAMILTON STREET | $100.00 | $125.00 | |
ATC DECK | 110 N. 6TH STREET | $100.00 | $125.00 | |
COMMUNITY DECK | 13-45 S. 6TH STREET | $100.00 | $125.00 | |
SPIRAL DECK | 820-836 W. LINDEN STREET | $100.00 | $125.00 | |
MAPLE ST DECK | 901-921 WALNUT STREET | $100.00 | no increase | |
STRATA UPPER DECK | 39 N 6TH STREET | $100.00 | $125.00 | |
STRATA LOWER DECK | 39 N LAW STREET | $100.00 | $125.00 |
On-Street Handicap Parking Spaces
Disabled Persons Reserved Spots
- The disabled person must be eligible for, and have in their possession, an HCP, PD or DVHP license plate from the PA Department of Transportation for his/her vehicle.
- The driver of the vehicle need not be the disabled person as long as the driver resides in the household of the disabled person-i.e. spouse, parent. The state requirements allow for a person in the household other than the disabled person to apply because frequently the disabled person cannot drive. He or she may be a child or a person with a disability that prohibits them from driving, but a sign will only be granted if the disability is severe enough to warrant a space.
- The disabled person must be mobility impaired to the extent that ambulation is severely restricted.
- The street width in front of the residence must be adequate to allow parking.
- The individual cannot have an off-street parking space available (driveway or garage).
- The individual must be restricted by lung disease to such an extent that the person’s forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less than 60 MM/HG on room air at rest.
- The individual must have a cardiac condition to the extent that the person’s functional limitations are classified in severity as Class IV according to the standards set by the American Heart Association.
- The parking width in front of the property must be at least 25 feet. If this is not the case, you should attempt to obtain the signature of the person who owns the adjacent property indicating that they have no objection to the installation of the Handicap zone.
How can I get a designated handicap parking space by my home?
The Allentown Parking Authority has the applications for Handicap parking spaces at their office. You may either stop in and pick one up, call for one to be mailed, or download the application by clicking on the blue box below. After the application is completed, return it to the Allentown Parking Authority. There is no fee involved.
Approval of a handicapped parking space does not guarantee that the space will be used by the applicant only. Anyone with a handicapped license or placard may use this space.
Need to Load or Unload your RV?
Can you park your RV or Travel Trailer on a city street while you load or unload?
615.63 Permit for Loading or Unloading Recreational Vehicles or Truck Campers
Permit for Loading or Unloading Recreational Vehicles or Truck Campers Permits shall be issued by
the Allentown Parking Authority to the owners of Recreation vehicles or truck campers for a twentyfour (24) hour permit to unload or load the said vehicle with the option of a twenty-four-hour renewal by notifying the Allentown Parking Authority. The cost of the permit is $8.00. The RV permit DOES NOT guarantee a parking space. The permitted vehicle shall not be exempt from other parking restrictions or prohibitions, including street cleaning restrictions, loading zones, 5-minute zones, No Parking areas, and general safety regulations. The permit does not exempt the holder from the 72-hr ordinance in the city. Pop-Up Campers, Teardrop Trailers, Hybrid Trailers, Toy Haulers, Truck Campers, Fifth Wheels and Travel Trailers (not motorized) MUST be hitched to a motorized vehicle, per city ordinance 615.51.
Contractors Parking Permits for On-Street
How can contractors or construction workers avoid getting parking tickets while working in the downtown area?
Off-Street Parking: The Allentown Parking Authority has several off-street parking lots available for daily parking in the downtown area. We strongly recommend parking in them if at all possible.
On-Street Parking: Several different types of on-street parking permits are available for construction, renovation, etc. work. Parking Meter Permits are available for $10 – $26 per day, per meter.
What if I need meters removed in an area where I am working?
There is a one time charge of $25 PER meter to remove it. If you require that the pole also be removed, there is an additional one time charge of $15 per pole. The fee includes reinstallation.
What if I just need the spaces “reserved” and open so no one can park there, including my vehicles?
Parking Meter Permits will be authorized only in appropriate areas. Signs must be purchased and posted in a timely manner and lost meter revenue must be remitted to APA.
Special Services Parking Permit
The Special Services Parking Permit will be issued to commercial vehicles that need (due to the nature of their work) to park in a No Parking Zone to load and unload tools and equipment in connection with the work that is being done. The permit may also be used if the vehicle needs to be in a timed zone for longer than the specified time limit in the area. This permit will be issued on a temporary three – day basis and is to be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle in plain sight with the permit information facing upward. Information on the vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate will be required at time of issuance. If this information is not available, any ticket(s) that are issued will be valid, unless it can be proven that the permit was in the vehicle in question. In addition to the vehicle information, we require an exact location where the vehicle will be parked, as the permit will be valid only in that specific location. During the three-day period, usage of the permit will be monitored for necessity. Permits are for short term use only.
No Parking Signs
The city of Allentown relies on street signs to direct and control both traffic flow and parking areas. The Allentown Parking Authority can facilitate both permanent and temporary signs.
There are two reasons for issuing temporary ‘NO PARKING’ signs:
1. To reserve a space for work vehicles that need to be in close proximity of work being done.
2. If work being done is in an area that requires no vehicles to be parked on the street.
If you are moving, having work done at your property, etc., you may purchase Temporary No Parking signs from the Allentown Parking Authority. The APA sells temporary signs at our main office for $10.00 each. We will need to know where the signs will be posted, the beginning and ending dates, and times of day you need the area clear. Signs posted on parking meters need to be posted at least 12 hours in advance to be legally enforceable, all other areas require a 72-hour advance posting. If posting in metered areas, lost meter revenue must be remitted to APA. Officers will enforce the signs as stated with no exceptions. You may call (610) 841-9090 for further details.
If you observe a damaged or missing permanent sign, or if you feel an additional sign is needed, please phone our business office with the location of the sign and any other information you may have.
To request a Loading Zone sign, 5-Minute Zone sign, or other special parking sign, you may request an application online by emailing, please put Temporary Parking Sign Application Request in the subject line of the email.
The charge for No Parking signs is $10 per sign. Any time the No Parking signs for a metered space is sold, there are charges for Lost Meter Revenue.
Daily Parking Meter Permits
The Allentown Parking Authority realizes the need for Contractors and/or laborers to park at various meters throughout the city for short periods. As a result, the Allentown Parking Authority has developed the Parking Meter Permit, that is designed to make legal parking more convenient by having the parker pre-pay the meter fee in return for a permit that is to be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle. The permit was designed only for use by individuals who need to park at a meter while performing work duties and is not warranted for any other purpose. The permit is offered for short-term use only. Parking Meter Permits are $10 and $26 dollars per day; depending on location, are valid only in the City of Allentown, and cannot be utilized at red parking meters.
Note: A description of the vehicle and license plate number will be required and will be recorded on the permit. If this information is not available, any ticket(s) that are issued will be valid, unless it can be proved that the permit was in the vehicle in question. In addition, we will need the exact location where the vehicle will be parked. This permit will only be valid in that specific block.
Monthly Parking Meter Permits
The Allentown Parking Authority realizes the need for service related vehicles to park at various meters throughout the city for longer periods of time while working on construction related projects and/or service calls. As a result, the Allentown Parking Authority has developed the Monthly Permit, which is designed to make legal parking more convenient by having the parker pre-pay the meter fee in return for a permit. The permit was designed only for use by individuals who need to park at a meter while performing work duties and is offered for short-term use. It is offered for short-term use. This permit is good only at meters in the city of Allentown, except at red parking meters. It is offered for $200 – $250 per month depending upon location per vehicle.
The following criteria is used in establishing eligibility for this permit:
- The vehicle must be marked a ‘commercial’ vehicle or an obvious construction vehicle.
- If no identifiable markings exist, the Allentown Parking Authority may require other proof of eligibility based on city licenses issued for plumbing, contracting, etc., or other proof of work being done.
Note: A description of the vehicle and license plate number will be required and will be recorded on the permit. If this information is not available, any ticket(s) that are issued will be valid, unless it can be proved that the permit was in the vehicle in question at the time the ticket was issued.