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Small Business Saturdays – 11/30, 12/7, 12/14 & 12/21 – enjoy 5 hours of free parking in the Community and 940 Decks – look under the news section on our website for more information!


I Want To...

When parking is the question… The Authority is the answer!

What We Do

The Allentown Parking Authority manages, supervises and administers an efficient system of both on-street metered parking and off-street parking within the City of Allentown. The on-street program consists of 1500 metered spaces, which are regularly checked and monitored by our officers. There are various permits available for our metered parking spaces for contractors and laborers, special events and more. Likewise, the ownership and operation of six parking garages downtown comprises a large portion of our off-street operation. These six garages total approximately 3,643 parking spaces. In addition, the Authority operates and/or leases 22 surface lots, totaling another 761 parking spaces.

Our Mission

The mission of the Allentown Parking Authority is to operate, monitor, and maintain convenient and accessible parking facilities and on-street parking opportunities within the City of Allentown. The Allentown Parking Authority works to balance the parking needs of residents, employees, business and property owners, and visitors while enforcing parking ordinances and providing appropriate access to parking.

Do you have questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions