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The office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of President’s Day. Street Cleaning in District#1, #2 and #9 WILL take place. Please make sure to move your vehicles. 

Residential Parking Permits (RPP)

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Residential Parking Permits

Be sure to look for signs for your zone. Your permit is for your designated zone. It will excuse you from time restrictions and from having to put money in meters within your zone. Your permit is not valid in any other zone.


A permit costs $25.00 for the first year and $20.00 for annual renewal.

To be eligible, a vehicle must display a valid Pennsylvania license plate and must be registered to a residential address within the particular permit zone.

All residents who either rent or own a dwelling in the zone are eligible. The permit increases the resident’s chance of finding a legal parking space by stimulating turnover and eliminating storage or nonresident’s vehicles; however, a permit does not guarantee a parking space.

Residents who have a permit on their vehicle may park in excess of a time restriction that is within their district. Residents may also park at a meter without depositing coins if the meter is in their zone. However, the vehicle shall not be exempt from other parking restrictions or prohibitions including street cleaning restrictions, loading zones, five-minute zones, red short-term meters, no parking areas, and general safety regulations. The program is in effect during the same days and hours that normal parking regulations are in effect. The permit does not exempt the holder from the 72-hour ordinance in the city.

To Obtain a Residential Parking Permit

All permits must be applied for and purchased online through our Patron Portal. You can access the Patron Portal by clicking on the button below. You will choose which type of permit you’d like (RPP) and then choose the Zone that your residence resides in. Fill in all the required information. A valid e-mail address and credit/debit card are required to purchase a permit from the APA. RPP Permits are paid when purchased and are valid for one year, at which time you may renew your permit. YOUR PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL YOU RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION MESSAGE STATING IT WAS APPROVED.

Once on the portal, you will choose the type of permit (RPP) and the ZONE you are applying for. You will choose either “New” or “Renewal”. Fill in all the required information. A valid e-mail address and a credit or debit card is required to purchase a permit from the APA. Please be aware that a $3.00 (or 4%, whichever is higher) Service Fee will be added to your permit transaction cost.

You must upload a copy of your Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration Card, Insurance Card, a Current Utility Bill and Proof of Residency (lease agreement, deed, or current tax bill) onto the patron portal. They must all show your address within the zone. If you reside in the residence but ARE NOT on the proof of residency document, the AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCE form must be completed, notarized and submitted. All other documents must match with your name.

A permit can be obtained by a resident for a company owned or leased vehicle if the resident can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Parking Authority that he/she is a resident, and that he/she is the principle operator of the vehicle, and that the vehicle is a company car. The form is available in our office or online.

If the car is registered to someone other than yourself, then a Sworn Affidavit stating that you are the principle driver of that vehicle must be presented. This affidavit must include the vehicle owners’ name, their relationship to you, the vehicle’s make, model, year and license plate number as well as the Vehicle Identification Number. This must be notarized. Forms are available in our office or online.

The permit is only valid for the license plate number that it was originally registered to. If the resident gets a new plate, the permit is invalid. The resident must provide the registration for the new vehicle and/or plate.

Service vehicles and commercial vehicles are not eligible for the program. Permits are non-transferable. Payment is not refundable. Permit costs are not Pro-Rated and are subject to change. Permits may only be purchased on-line through our Patron Portal:

Caregiver Permit

Caregiver Permits are available for the following types of care at the residences in Residential Parking Permit areas.

  • In Home Medical Care
  • In Home Care

Applicant’s vehicle cannot be registered within the RPP area you are applying.

Caregivers may be issued a parking permit provided the address of the resident receiving the care is within said parking area and the resident requiring care forfeits a current valid permit or does not possess a current Residential Parking Permit.

Per City Ordinance 615 Section 87 Subsection D, requirements to obtain a parking permit for a caregiver are:

  • A Medical Affidavit signed by the Attending Physician and Health Care Professional
  • A completed application form in both the resident’s and caregiver’s name and address and a letter from the resident identifying the permit applicant as the caregiver and permission to forfeit their current valid permit or future permit
  • Photo identification and employment verification of the caregiver
  • A current DMV Vehicle Registration for the vehicle the applicant is requesting a permit for
  • Proof of residency in the permit area of the person receiving the care (Utility Bill, Lease Agreement/ Property Deed)

Do you have questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions