Parking Tickets
Parking tickets are issued by the Allentown Parking Authority and the Allentown Police Department. Both Tickets can be paid at the Allentown Parking Authority only.

The Allentown Parking Authority accepts cash, checks, money orders, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express charge cards. Please note payments made online and over the phone will be charged a $3.00 convenience fee. Tickets must be paid within 10 calendar days of issuance to avoid late fees. Late Fees will not be waived or adjusted if you were unaware of an outstanding ticket, or lost a ticket.
Online Ticket Payments may be paid through our Patron Portal. For Online payments, you will need either the ticket number or the vehicle’s license plate number. Be Advised, all payments made online are charged a $3.00 (or 4% whichever is higher) Service Fee.
Payments Made Over the Phone may be made by dialing (484) 229-6721 to enter a secure line. English and Spanish languages are available. You will need your Ticket/Citation number and a valid credit card. Please note payments made over the phone will be charged a $3.00 convenience fee.
Ticket payments may be made through the US Mail. Payments may also be deposited in the Night Drop slot, located outside our office 603 W. Linden Street. Payments deposited in the Night Drop slot go into a secure area and are retrieved daily. Cash should NOT be placed in the dropbox. Payments made after hours in the drop box will be credited for the previous day
Parking tickets issued by the Allentown Police Department are entered as we receive them. You are only able to pay online for it if it has been entered into our system. If not then you must bring the ticket with you and pay in the office or mail the ticket with your payment. The APA does not offer Payment Plans.
If your vehicle was immobilized or towed, please contact the Allentown Parking Authority for information on your vehicle, as additional fees may apply.
On our patron portal: search tickets, view info on permits, create an account and save your license plate for easy lookup.